Different types of list in HTML

Pravin M
2 min readMar 19, 2024
Different types of list in HTML
Different types of list in HTML

Source:- Different types of list in HTML

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In HTML, there are three main types of lists that can be used to organize and structure content:

  1. Ordered List (`<ol>`): An ordered list is used when the order of the items is important. Each item is represented by an `<li>` (list item) element, and by default, the items are numbered sequentially. The numbering style can be customized using CSS. Here’s an example of an ordered list:

<li>First item</li>
<li>Second item</li>
<li>Third item</li>

2. Unordered List (`<ul>`):

An unordered list is used when the order of the items is not important. Like the ordered list, each item is represented by an `<li>` element, but instead of numbers, bullet points or other markers are used to denote the items. Here’s an example of an unordered list:


3. Definition List (`<dl>`):

A definition list is used to present a list of terms and their corresponding definitions. It consists of `<dt>` (definition term) elements for the terms and `` (definition description) elements for the definitions. Here’s an example of…



Pravin M
Pravin M

Written by Pravin M

I am a frontend developer with 10+ years of experience Blog :- https://www.frontendinterviewquestions.com

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