Source:- Responsive web page design using HTML5 and CSS3
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Creating a responsive design using CSS3 involves using various techniques to ensure that a website or web application looks and functions well on different devices with varying screen sizes and resolutions. Here are some common techniques used in CSS3 to create a responsive design:
1)Fluid Layouts: One approach to creating a responsive design is to use fluid layouts that resize based on the width of the browser window or device screen. This can be achieved by using percentage widths for containers and elements, instead of fixed pixel values.
2)Media Queries: Media queries allow developers to apply different styles to elements based on the size of the device screen. This allows them to create a tailored user experience for different devices. Media queries are typically written using the @media rule in CSS3.
3)Flexible Images: To ensure that images resize correctly on different devices, developers can use the max-width property on images, which prevents them from exceeding their parent container’s width.
4)Grid Systems: Grid systems are a popular technique used to create responsive designs. They involve…